Isrifianty's Blog

September 1, 2009

5 point penting english CVs

Filed under: guess what — isrifianty @ 4:39 am

First, make a list of your previous jobs and educational qualifications, pas kamu bikin list ini usahakan semuanya memang benar-benar bisa di…dengan kata lain jangan pernah ngarang, one thing yang penting hubungan baik dengan perusahaan terdahulu ternyata dapat sangat membantu. Because many company suka croscek lg sama resume that you have made… pastinya buat memastikan kamu benar-benar pernah tercatat sebagai employee di tempat itu. Then, write down everything you can remember including the company information (yang lengkap ya), certificates, degrees, your job titles and duties, and specific accomplishments. Usahakan semuanya jelas dan balik lagi dapat di pertanggungjawabkan.
An objective is a goal, and many employers want to know your employment goal when you apply to work for them. It helps them memutuskan if you’re a good match. Include a heading at the beginning of your resume called “Objective” and then write a short statement. Example: “To work in a dynamic marketing department.”
Kuncinya… a duty is an assigned task. An accomplishment is an achievement – a positive result of your efforts. Employers like to know what your tasks were in past jobs, but they’re more interested in what you achieved, bagus kalo kamu pernah mendapat banyak kepercayaan untuk menangani program d kantor terdahulu, tapi yang lebih penting adalah pencapaian dalam setiap tugas yang pernah di berikan. So ketika describing past jobs, brag a little! Cite specific accomplishments. Example: One of your duties was doing staff scheduling, and you solved a big scheduling problem. Write, “Solved scheduling conflict.” Singkatnya tidak perlu bertele-tele untuk mengungkapkan pencapaian apa aja yang pernah kamu buat tapi langsung pada intinya.
Since you have lots to say, pastinya banyak yang ditulis.., but little space, resume writing standards allow for abbreviated sentence construction hal ini emang perlu diperhatikan friend karena paling ga kualitas kita juga terlihat pada pola kalimat we made in this resume. Leave out sentence subjects (e.g. I, my manager), possessive pronouns (my/mine, his/hers), and sometimes even articles (the, a). If you’re listing more than one accomplishment in a sentence you can replace “and” with a semicolon. Example: “I led an important project and my manager gave me an award” would become “Led key project; awarded by manager.” Biar gak salah boleh sambil cek lagi buku-buku pedoman pembuatan resume in english ya….ini Cuma sekedar contoh…
Action verbs show a specific action, e.g. solved, managed, initiated, accomplished (dengan kata-kata ini masud yang ingin kamu ungkapkan dalam resume bisa lebih nendang he….karena membuat kamu memang terlihat bertindak atau aktif. Nah biar lebih jelas lg nih ada contoh buat perbandingan Examples of passive verbs are am, was, have and had. In a resume, action verbs make you sound like a motivated, energetic person – just the type someone would want to hire! Example: “Managed a team of 20 employees” terdengar lebih baik ketimbang “Was in charge of 20 employees.” Walaupun keduanya memang menyatakan kekuatan kamu….
Sekian dulu buat hari ini …thanks a lot for EF nih, jadi kangen pengen kursus lagi…EF miss u so much…

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